Friday, June 3, 2011

The Thriller Night

Thriller Night: The game

Thriller Night: The poster

Thriller Night: The Logo

Thriller Night: The Charts

Monday, May 23, 2011

Artificial Hand

1. What kind of technology is being discussed?
Bio Technology, Artificial Hand

2. What are the benefits of this technology?
This prosthetic hand will help they do the functions that their the real hand can do and it may have more functions than the actual hand.

3. What are the dangers?
Replacing an arm can slow down and mess up the evolution of human kind. If everyone replace there hands with an artificial hand, they will become part robot part human, o
r a cyborg.

4. Are there any ethical problems with this this technology?
Changing human body parts can mess up with the evolution and it is not natural to have a fake hand. People who replace there parts with artificial part is part robot so soon, there could be another race to human kind. It is wrong because people will lose some of their senses in the hand.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Future Prezi

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


He started with an interesting story that catches the audience's attention. In his story, he also used some humor. He was well prepared, too.

His transitions were good, they connect to each other so the audience don't feel like they are missing any information.

His presentation structure was organized well.

He delivers his information very smoothly by using visual aids. His speaking were clear, easy to understand, and convincing.

Visual aids:
His visual aids are very effective, his presentation was easy to understand. His hands movement helped him to share his ideas. Another visual aids that made this presentation successful was the props that he used. Those props make his stories more interesting.

The end:
He ended the presentation in strong statement. It also includes some humor which makes the audience still interested.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I think the more modern technology there will be, the more lazy and fat we will be. Modern technology usually work in one system, therefore you only need to stay in your bedroom to open the fridge in the kitchen. I think it is not a very effective way to live because soon you'll grow fat and paralyze.